How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Car Door?

4 years ago

 No one wants to deal with car door dings and dents or paint scratches, but sometimes, they're unavoidable. Fortunately, Eli's…

Before/After – Porsche Panamera

5 years ago

What appears to be a minor repair can end up being more intricate due to the structural and technical requirements…

How to Choose the Best Auto Body Shop

5 years ago

Choosing the right auto body shop can feel like a stressful task. It goes without saying that you want shops…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Company Statement

5 years ago

Dear Valued Customers, The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is presenting us with an unprecedented challenge. While there are many unknowns, our best path…

Are Older Cars Safer Than Newer Cars?

5 years ago

There seems to be a misconception that older, larger cars are rock solid. Therefore, older/larger cars must be safer for…