Category: Blog

How to Choose the Best Auto Body Shop

how to choose the right auto body shop

Choosing the right auto body shop can feel like a stressful task. It goes without saying that you want shops with experienced technicians and proper equipment. But how do you know if a collision repair shop has them? Sure, there’s word of mouth, and insurance company … Read More

How Long Should Collision Repairs Take?

Certified Subaru Collision Center

After an accident, big or small, a common question we hear at the shop is, “how long will this repair take?” In theory, this question seems like it should be simple to answer, but in practice, even “small” repairs have lots of variables to take into … Read More

What To Know About Your Dealership’s Preferred Auto Body Shop

Why you should choose an auto body shop recommended by a dealership instead of an insurance company

Auto body shops that repair your vehicle the right way It might seem challenging to figure out which car repair facility performs quality work, and which ones don’t, but it’s actually very simple. The shop that follows the manufacturer’s protocol and whose repairmen have the right … Read More

Should You Use Your Car Insurance’s Preferred Auto Body Shop?

should you use your auto insurance carrier's preferred shop?

Sometimes, your insurance carrier will recommend its preferred auto repair facility, but you don’t have to use it. By law, you have the right to choose your own auto body shop. So the question is, should you use your dealership’s preferred facility? Well, it depends.

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